Ichy's Gallery Tonight in Tokyo!!! Show #1 is On!

So tonight we open the first of the Art For People shows in Tokyo in Minami-Aoyama neighborhood of Tokyo!  I am so happy it has all come together for an amazing cause and has brought together artists from Japan and the US to build a new born sense of creative community through our love of making art and our passion for life.  This marks my first show and first trip ever to Japan and it has been all that and more so far!  I am still in disbelief that I am here and it has all come together, but the reality is that is has and the show looks amazing!  Setting up last night was so much fun and we represented, white black asian American Japanese and all of our ancestries building a new foundation for future endeavors and a way to help a future generation of Japanese children to continue this creative expansion.  I saw and worked with friends from New York I hadn't seen in years, reminisced, met new friends, one of whom randomly happens to be from North Carolina, it really was an amazing surprise.  Here are a few photos of the set and once again the flyer with information about tonights show.  It starts at 3pm and goes until about 9pm.  Arigato Gozaimasu!

Bringing the Past from the Blast and some newer paintings and some pin up figure drawings to Japan!  I AM IN A SHOW IN JAPAN! Rocking it!

Alani and Kyoko hanging Kyoko's Work.

Yoshi's piece!  TWNY 4 Life!

Isaac Schulz sitting under my painting.  This guy is actually from Asheville, North Carolina! Kackalack Represent!

Isaac's work.  I will post again and explain the whole Kreayshawn piece, it has to do with some random twitter action and it is a pretty amazing story!

Alani unveiling his new photos.

Even Tekkamaki seemed to be in Tokyo in an art store.

See you tonight.  Time to go out into Tokyo again!