Bed Stuy

Going Through Past Lives...

And found some awesome photos to share... DSC04277

So the picture of C-Rayz Walz is one of the first published Illustration gigs I ever did for Def Jux Records back in 2004.  Where is that guy?  It is the album art for his Black Samurai E.P.


The Dave Chappelle Block Party Movie was filmed in, and the Block Party itself, my old neighborhood on the edge of Bed Stuy and Clinton Hill in Brooklyn.  This is one of the choice shots of Wycleff and Lauren Hill battling it out, getting reallllll emotional during the Fugees reunion bit.  HISTORY was made!  2003 was a big and crazy year for a lot of things.


This is a drawing I did for the Babylon Falling Closing show "The End is Near" in 2009.  It was called "KaliMonTen"... I really want to go back in this direction with some of the newer work, but as with all things it's about finding that opportune moment of balance where it is good to feel that initial discomfort to re-enter and idea from whence it becomes new and big and fun again and a totally fresh way.



Yes it is still true, at least to us, Japan is home to some of the most ridiculous English translations on clothing, but when you are there, they don't really give a shit what we think, which is awesome.  They have literally taken our words and made them their own, so we get something out of it.  The one that says curation really fucking cracks me up, I wonder what they were really getting at, it has to be a feeling or like a type of action they were trying to pinpoint but there probably just isn't an English word for it.  HatLip is just, well HatLip.  Like "Hey man what's that hat all about?"   "You know homie, that's just that HatLip!!!!!!"


Something we do not have in the States, 5 century old castles with giant moats to repel all sorts of attackers from Samurai, to Ninja, to Ashigaru, to just crazy ass locals that are pissed at the government and tired of getting taxed.  I think today's moats are called the Banking System, Credit Default Swaps, and Debt.  I would kind of rather be a Ninja and swim across the water and scale the wall and kill the Lord and get the Princess to be honest, way more bad ass.

ancient lady

This woman came out of her house to talk to me, I don't think she had been outside for a long time.  She was super cool.

kendo action

I wish I had had a giant Kendo sword fighting cru when I was like ten years old.


And finally this is an awesome studio shot of the work I made for the SFMOMA taken by Megan Wolfe.  I am going to miss Megan, she has been a bright light in the Bay Area art scene for a long time now!  Thanks for all the years of hard work and being a bad ass! You will be missed.  In other news I am going to New York for fourth of July weekend, expect a lot fo Graffiti pictures a lot of images of friends acting out in public....see you soon!-Felix