East Coast West Coast

And away we go...

The Harbinger So it is official, and true, and in stone, and on the timeline and etched into the universe, I am moving back to NYC.  It has been something that has been in different stages of reality ever since I moved to California eight years ago.  I moved from NYC back to NC then to Oakland in 2006, and now I will be completing this circle by literally doing the same thing in reverse this year of 2014 into 2015.  Life is full of cycles and growth, eight years of growing and understanding and learning about myself has finally brought me to realize its time to reinvestigate where I am from with new eyes, intentions, and love.  I have one more solo show before I leave, at FFDG in San Francisco's Mission district on October 3rd. Then two more months left in Killa Cali and I am headed back east just in time for the horrible weather of winter, which I honestly so dearly miss.  I hope everyone can make it out to "No Destination" at FFDG on October 3rd.  And also I am incredibly happy to announce I have a show booked with Joseph Gross and ArtNowNY for October of 2015, the gallery in Chelsea I cofounded and help launch with a killer roster of East and West Coast talent back in 2012!  I am excited and nervous and totally invigorated by life right now.  It's time for some changes and a new chapter in the mythology of this young artist.  See you guys in Chinatown eating Excellent Pork Chop House in a few! -JFA III 09/07/2014

Grace Saved Us

Castle in the Sky