Eric Araujo Presents "Hole Up" Tonight at Littlefield : Brooklyn : NY

Littlefield 622 Degraw St. Brooklyn, NY

Opening 6-9pm

Eric Araujo is one of the most solid individuals I have ever met.  I don't say that lightly.  He is highly intelligent, driven, has his feet planted firmly on the ground, and makes incredibly well executed, thought provoking, and interesting art.  I met him at SFAI during my one year of grad school there, and we immediately became friends due to our mutual inability to understand the West Coast given our native East Coast upbringings (LOL).  We have remained friends and peers in this crazy art world, and he was instrumental in helping orchestrate the show "Eat Peter to Feed Paul" with Christopher Burch in myself in Brooklyn this past March 1st.  So with that being said, he has a brilliant show opening tonight at one of my favorite Brooklyn destinations, Julie Kim's Littlefield venue and art space.  Big congrats goes out to Eric for this show and I look forward to seeing it unveiled this evening.  Eric is going to go many places in lands afar with his no bullshit work ethic, forward moving attitude, and incredible bubbling talent.  And just as a heads up about the guy, I don't usually say this but its important to me, the dude can draw his ass off!!! I am not sure if he is going to have drawings in this show, but for the record, dude can truly use a pencil and paper!  Good luck with all of your future endeavors sir.  All the info for the show is explained and listed int he press release below.  Also check out his site at