And like that... He's Gone...

We are embarking on our journey today!  Carolyn and I are getting ready to pack up the car, get the supplies, get the stickers, get the zines, and head to the FFDG "Salt the Skies" group show that I am in, and then we are offffffffff to the great unknown and wide open that is the reverse frontier.  Well its known, but it is definitely wide open! unnamed

So first off we will be going as far as possible toward Arizona before we pass out.  Then we will be gunning it to Austin, Texas to see Terry Addison from Old Crow, one of my bestest homies and favorite people I have ever worked with.  We apparently going to hit WhattaBurger and eat some ribs at Salt Lick... or maybe not... we will have to see.  Anyway, its time to pack it up... New York City here we come!

Click on the link below to see the video trailer for Excorrigia I The Scourge @ Superchief.
