The Exhaustion and the Promise

It has only been two a little bit more than two weeks since my show at Runaway in Durham, NC. Life moves in some seriously deep and intense spurts and I have been enjoying the wave of deep productivity and focus. Inevitably in every wave of this level of intention and follow through, a wave of exhaustion and then a wave of promise comes resounding through and must be heeded. Exhaustion is the beautiful harbinger of rest, and promise is the beautiful herald of things to come. So that is to say, I am retooling, letting myself and my mind wander aimlessly a bit, and starting tomorrow getting ready for some work headed to Art Basel and then a trip to Japan starting in a week. Big things coming up, more to come. Here are some images from the trip to East Coast.

Times with Humans

Times with Humans

Anime MIxtape Zine

Anime MIxtape Zine

Limited Edition

Limited Edition

Cacia Zoo

Cacia Zoo

Putting in Work

Putting in Work

True Food

True Food

Kieran doing boss shit

Kieran doing boss shit

wal spread.jpg


Frame Game

Frame Game

Zine Pages

Zine Pages

Documentary Film Maker

Documentary Film Maker





